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Screen Printing Business-Digital Or Manual ?

Currently screen printing industry has been growing rapidly, along with the development of T-shirt industry. Have you ever heard the term "factory outlet" and "distro (distribution outlets)"? If you take a walk to along the main streets there are many areas of manufacturing and distribution outlets. There are also stores that specialize in distribution screen printing t-shirts.

Besides t-shirts so, there are distros that offer services in screen printing orders. Such efforts received a picture so well as just print and press it !. In other words they lend tools and services tshirt creen printing, while they only provide a plain t-shirts only. But there are also received t-shirts that have been provided by the customer, and they just screen it only. T shirts like this only owned by the buyer.

Of the many types of screen printing business, you may be interested to pursue one of them. But if you want to open a screen printing business, you need to know two basic screen printing techniques. Two techniques of screen printing and digital on a regular basis. They both contain the benefits and risks of business you need to know. If you already know, then you can choose the method of least gives the maximum business benefits. Here is the explanation.

Manual screen printing
1. Manual screen printing has several advantages compared with a digital screen printing. T-shirt silk-screened on a regular basis is generally the color does not quickly fade, although it depends also from the type of ink used and the workmanship. The ink stick was stronger and will remain attached even shirts washed many times. At the regular screen printing, we can make pictures or writings arises, namely by using the ink foam. To do bulk printing in large quantities, more precisely using regular screen printing, because they cost less.

A COUPLE OF. While the lack of manual screen printing, if we print colorful images, the results are usually less good. For screen printing business, if only to make one item only, then the cost would be expensive. In the world of business, regular silk screening should be done only if the number of orders a lot, so we do not lose. Regular process of screen printing for longer than a digital screen printing, because the regular screen printing process requires several stages of processing, such as making afdruk, printing, drying, and so on.

Digital printing
Particular ONE. Digital printing is done by machine. The surplus, the digital electronic printing, color printing can be more varied. The workmanship is even faster than regular silk screening, because it only uses storage devices transfer paper (transfer paper). T-shirts are made with a digital electronic printing also dry faster than screen printing t-shirts are made with a guide book, because the digital electronic screen printing ink pressed by a pressing machine digitally. Digital printing can menyablon photos or images that are colorful. In screen printing business, if the order is not so much or just the unit, a digital electronic printing can be applied so that the manufacturing process would be faster and more profitable.

A COUPLE OF. While the lack of digital electronic printing is more expensive than the price of T-shirt screen printing book guide. This is because in digital electronic printing more money we invest, for example to buy a printer manufacturer's, stamping, and paper move. Types of shirts that can be used in digital electronic printing is more limited. There are only a few types of shirts are suitable for digital electronic printing, among other types of organic cotton combed jersey. Actually you can also use the T-type TC and PE, but in the calculation of business, the profits would be less when compared with using this type of egyptian cotton
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